Thank you for choosing to report anonymously. We understand that this might be a difficult time for you, and we want to help connect you to support.
By submitting an ‘anonymous’ form, you will not be asked for your name or contact details and will not be contacted regarding the report. However, although we will not make any efforts to identify you, you may still be indirectly identifiable from all of the information provided, depending on the questions you choose to answer. All questions are however optional, so you are able to choose exactly how much personal information you share.
Choosing to report anonymously means we might not be able to help you directly but can help others. The information you give us today will help us to provide better support to others and inform prevention work across the university. However, reporting anonymously will not lead to formal action being taken.
If you would prefer to be contacted by a member of staff, or need direct support or guidance, or would like a formal investigation to take place please
complete a report with contact details. Information already entered will be copied over to the new report.
When a record is submitted you will also be given a reference number which, should you choose, can be shared with or referred to when talking with staff about your case. Once you have submitted a record, you cannot withdraw any information.